Nitrogen-Doped Carbon–Copper Nanohybrids as Electrocatalysts in H2O2 and Glucose Sensing
Chengzhen Wei, Yuanying Liu, Xinran Li, Junhong Zhao, Zhen Run, and Huan Pang*
ChemElectroChem, 2014, DOI: 10.1002/celc.201300211
Nitrogen-doped carbon–copper nanohybrids are preparedthrough the calcination of cis-Cu(gly)2·xH2O nanofibers andtrans-Cu(gly)2·xH2O nanoplates in Ar gas. Benefitting fromnanoporous structures and high nitrogen contents, the nitrogen-doped carbon–copper nanohybrids can be used to modifyelectrodes, which show effective non-enzymatic hydrogen peroxideand glucose sensing capabilities. The electrode modifiedwith nitrogen-doped carbon–copper nanohybrid plates is especiallyeffective for glucose sensing, as it shows a low detectionlimit of 5 mm, good sensitivity of 223.6 mAmm1 cm2, andexcellent selectivity.